Common LOD errors

The most common errors are:
• Whole project stage is defined with single LOD, e.g. LOD 300. In reality at
any project stage & discipline objects are at different LOD’s – walls
LOD200, furniture LOD300 etc.
• Defining LOD for whole discipline e.g. LOD 300 Arch. model. This could be
used to define LOD for Scan to BIM projects or some other one-time modelling
activities, but not for the design process which consists of different stages
• The specification is to be used with the excel table which is filled in prior
starting a project. We have never seen this done because it is a very
time-consuming task.
• Defining LOD500 in the design phase. LOD500 is the LOD for objects that have
been built and represent the situation in reality. Something that is not
possible in the design stage.
In our classes we give the students an exercise – evaluate LOD of defined
objects by visually looking at them. The results are always the same – there
are many different answers, meaning that it is almost impossible to easily tell
if an object is at the required LOD.
In the picture you can see an example of incorrect LOD usage in a real project.
Do you have any examples of incorrect use of the LOD specification?