Explaining BIM processes in BEP's
May 18, 2020 at 1:22 pm,
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BEP’s are very import to capture what result is expected and what needs to be done in a BIM project.
But they are notoriously hard to explain and follow. One of the reasons is that different people are able to capture information better in different ways – reading, looking at pictures, listening to a person speak.
One method we use to explain processes are Business Process Model and Notation
(BPMN) schemes or in other words visually show what are the steps to do some
specific action during the project e.g. BIM coordination.
You can read more about the specifics of BPMN here: https://www.bpmnquickguide.com/
And here is a free online tool we use to create our diagrams: https://bpmn.io/
To better transform the information to people who like listening we use two methods – online or in-person BIM meetings and recording a video of the process explanation and then adding a link to the BEP.